Monday, December 13, 2010

Engaging Week

This week was one of exciting and interesting events. Celebrated my partner's 50th birthday and used the occassion to propose. So just after Challenge Cairns, this slow tri-man is off the market. Well, it's really only making it official as we had planned a June wedding anyway.

Needless to say, arranging the birthday party, engagement and the constant rain caused a few hiccups in my training plans.

I managed my first decent road cycle since May. There was no distance or speed set, tha plan was just to spend time in the saddle. 1 hour riding north, then turn around and come back home. 40km in and I blew a tyre on the Bruce Highway about 20km north of town. It gave me some practice running off the bike as I trotted 2-3k before acccepting a lift back to town from a passing driver.

Overall, less than the hours I wanted, but at least I got some real bike time in.


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