Saturday, March 20, 2010

21 weeks - Ului waiting to visit

Despite being crook early in the week, I was fairly happy with the effort that I put in this week. Got out on the bike for a decent ride. The task was to spend time in the saddle, without worrying about speed at this stage. I also managed to get to the pool during lunch and started to get back into the swim. My card scanned that it had been 956 days since my last visit. Needless to say, my swimming is atrocious at the moment, with just 5 x 100m swims being done. The speed is OK for me, but I need to be able to maintain that speed over the longer distance.

The coming week may be interrupted due to tropical cyclone Ului. House is prepared, yard cleared of debris and supplies are on hand. Most of which were set up at the start of the cyclone season. There may be less bike, but more time on the fluid trainer.

Now for the figures:
1 x swim: 0:12:05 - 500m
3 x runs: 1:48:54- 17.664 km
1 x bike: 2:12:21 - 52.9 km
Overall 4:13:20 for the week. Over half of target.
Weight 83.7kg
Week ending Sat 20th Mar 2010


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