Saturday, January 30, 2010

Run breakthrough - 28 weeks left

Finally, a breakthrough with my running. While at a work conference in Brisbane, I hit the river-walk at 5:00am and managed to cover 9.6km over the hour, which included the first 5k's under 30 minutes. Now I'm close to meeting my January target of running 10k in the hour. With 3 runs and some time on the bike, I've increased the amount of time exercising and training for the Half, but there is still a long way to go.

The Mackay Triathlon Club has released their 2010 calendar of events and have again put in place a great trial for the half ironman, with a 1.9k swim one weekend, followed by a 90k bike the next and then Mackay's annual half marathon the week after that.

If it stops raining, I'll try to get some time with the bike on the road, although the gears need some minor adjustments as I can't get the chain onto the big ring.

Weekly Totals:
3 x runs: 2:33:28 - 22.79km
1 x bike: 15 mins trainer
Weight: 85.6kg


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