Thursday, September 30, 2004

AFL coach gets 3 year ban for striking

The coach of the Cairns AFL team involved in a pre-meditated brawl prior to the start of the local grand final has been given a 3-year ban from any association with AFL football for striking opposition players. The decision was based on evidence provided by umpires in attendance on the day.

This ban would prevent him from coaching, playing, being an administrator of any type and even prevent him from attending matches for the whole 3 years. The AFL said the ban was more than would have been applied to a player as a coach is supposed to set a good example to the players and be somewhat of a role model.

The coach, Jack Love, expressed disappointment at the severity of the penalty and has announced that he intends to appeal the decision. There has been the inevitable talk of legal advice being sought.

So far, so good. The investigation is still underway and he may find himself having to face further charges of arranging a pre-meditated attack on other team players. When the final outcome is known, it will be reported her at club Kev.

I have sent the AFL my opinion and hope that they follow my suggestion of placing a life ban on the coach, banning other players for long periods of time and stripping the team of their premiership title.

De-registering the team is another option, but one that may affect innocent players who were not involved in the finals due to being injured, out of form or in lower grades. A good option would be to have apply a suspended de-registration. Any further trouble from that club would automatically result in de-registration.

A clear message needs to be sent. Violence will NOT be tolerated in our sport.


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